
Where Have I Been?

Well.....anywhere but here on the blog. I have been so blog-absent for the past few months and it saddens me. My lack of energy is probably to blame. I wish it was because we were so busy with summer fun that I had no time...but that isn't the case. I think that this summer was great, but we didn't do anything as a family to blog about or anything at all for that matter. Most days were filled with me being consumed with exhaustion.  Most of my energy went to getting out of bed and to work for 7 a.m.  Most days are a task in itself and throwing pregnant onto that seems like a cruel joke. After work was lunch and nap (if I was lucky). The most we did the whole summer was make our monthly (now its weekly) visit to North Conway to see the midwives (and get sushi, french fries, and edamame). The one weekend we were suppose to head to Maine to see family and friends, and to visit an aquarium everyone,besides me, came down with HFMD. Yah, not fun. A good amount (almost all) of the summer weekends Andrew was away playing shows, so this left me home with the children with absolutely no energy to venture out to do anything with them solo. It just seemed overwhelming to try and wrangle a 2 year old and an 11 year old (who would insist on brining a friend...I dont blame him) on my own. So, not much venturing took place. I also hoped to put up a few food posts but I barely wanted to make food, never mind photograph and blog about it. I have this awesome vegan fettichini alfredo to share eventually. So yeah, this post is a bit whiney and I apologize for that....but it's real.

Now, we are heading into fall. Damien is in middle school, and I'm just waiting on a baby. I feel that I have to make up for the lack of summer fun during this fall season. We will see how that works out for me. Well, at the very least we do have a Maine Apple picking adventure planned for this upcoming weekend and this is Damien's last week of regular soccer and it's gonna be a busy one with three games and a practice. Bored, I wont be......I see these upcoming events as opportunity to work on my photography and get more familiar with my editing program (Lightroom 5).  Sigh.......

This is what our calendar looked like at the beginning of the month. Some changes since the picture was taken...but mostly adding events.

Also this happened: Gorham Soccer tournament champs! Yay!

Where have you been? 

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