I cannot put into words how much this family enjoyed our visit to Florida. It is unbelievable what eight days away from home will do for your soul. We really enjoyed seeing everyone and spending time with family. The only regret I have is not being at see my cousin more. I understand that life happens, and I do not expect anyone to stop living because of us. I also regret not bringing my DSLR. I would have been able to handle taking it everywhere without a problem. What is the sense of having a great camera if I don't bring it everywhere, especially if I want to be a photographer. I need to have more confidence in myself and taking my camera along. I'm just worried something will happen to it, because if that were to happen we have no room in the budget to replace or repair it. Overall, this make me extra careful with it. I do bring it along 80% of the time, just not to places I don't think it will be needed.
I wasn't sure how everyone was going to handle the heat, but to my surprise it didn't bother any of us. We truly enjoyed being in 90+ degree weather. At times, it did zap some of my energy but we all agreed that we would rather have it 90+ for a good portion of the year rather than it be below zero. This family if meant to live in a warm climate without a doubt. One day this will happen.
So I can go on and on about how much we love being in Florida but I would rather just show you the pictures of our lovely trip.
Horrible picture quality. I truly regret not bringing my DSLR. At this point Andrew had been awake for 30 or more hours.
On the plane. I've aimed to get the back row four separate times and I've been successful every single time. Being in the back of the plane is ideal to me having a toddler because it is really close to the bathrooms and flight attendants. It worked out lovely for a needy family. Andrew didn't fare so well at the end of our flight to Florida because we had to circle the runway because a turtle was on the runway. I will admit that this made me a little queasy.
Picture with my gram.
Her hair is getting lighter
So silly
This family loves the beach! We spent an entire day at Cocoa Beach and it was amazing. I wish we lived closer to a beach that you can actually go swimming at. Our closest beach we go to in Maine is a two hour drive away and the water is freezing! Not even worth the trip!
Beach bums
More beach bums. I didn't get a picture of Damien at the beach because I could hardly get him out of the water long enough to put more sunscreen on him.
Beach aftermath
The crew at Disney Hollywood Studios
Hot and sweaty at Hollywood Studios
Waiting for the bus to take us to Epcot.
Iced green tea from Japan. Yes please!
This is the answer I got after asking them if they had fun at Disney.
Second time in a row that this kid sleeps on the Safari Ride at Animal Kingdom.
It almost looks like she is in with the tiger. I promise she isn't, its just the way the picture came out.
Love this picture of Amar'e
He sure is goofy! :)
Amar'e got the princess treatment at the
bibidi bobbidi boutique A.K.A-I did her hair in my aunt's bathroom. A real princess treatment at Disney would cost more than $100...I'm sure.
Just missing a tiny princess tiara
We also painted her little toes as part of her princess treatment.
Can this kid of ours get any cuter.....I don't thinks that's possible.
My face during a T-storm. The thunder was so loud. It made the Sheriff sitting in his car in front of us nearly jump out of his skin. Yikes! I guess the storms down here are nothing to mess with. I've been through a few bad ones in my past...but I tend to forget what they were like. I can say that this storm was a reminder of how strong they can be.
A few confessions:
I'm officially in love with Disney World. I have been there many,many, many times in my life, but I have to say that this time I had a whole different appreciation for it.
The Disney princesses are growing on me. I was never really fond of them in the past. Maybe I thought they were oversexulized, but during this trip I realized that they weren't oversexulized at all. I am not entirely sure where that feeling came from, but they are surely growing on. I've even stared watching the Disney princess movies with Amar'e. I've seen most of them, but like I said, I am seeing them differently now. Princess Tiana is my favorite and I am anxious to watch the movie. (I'm a bit kid and always will be)
I want to move to Florida!