
Happy Blogversary & A Handmade Giveaway {CLOSED}

I can't believe it! I've been blogging for a year now. It seemed to fly by so fast. Not that I went into blogging thinking there was some kind of time frame I was going to follow, but I really had to work up the nerve to start a blog and now I've been doing this for a year. Wow! I do have to say that I am still hesitant about sharing a lot of my true feelings. I am not saying anything I have shared wasn't real because it was, it's just that I find myself being more reserved in my blogging than I thought I would be.  I sometimes envision posting things that never make the cut. I look up to those blogger that are brutally honest in their space on the internet, without much worry or concern of how it will affect someone because after all it probably will offend someone out there. I would never intentionally try to offend anyone ever, but sometimes I run into a situation that gets me thinking and I would love to share it, but don't quite have the confidence to make that happen. Then the regret sets in of not sharing, but still these things don't make the cut. Maybe the community I would like to see be built from this blog would manifest if I just shared what I truly feel, and maybe then I would have some people to converse on these touchy topics with but is it worth the risk? What do I have to lose? What am I afraid of? I don't have answers. I know I started following the blogs that I follow because of some type of connection, some type of admiration of confidence. What's holding me back? Maybe I've lost my focus of why I started to blog in the first place. I started because I want connect with other people, other mothers, other families similar and different from ours to share the experience of child rearing, family, etc. Overall though, I dont have a real blog focus...its more like I post what I feel like posting whether thats a food post, a DIY, pregnancy update, picture chroniciling  my journey to becoming a pro photographer, a lately, etc. I find that this blog is very good for one thing...keeping up with family and friends that live apart from us and for that I am thankful. Lets see the next year holds for us and this little blog of mine. My goal is to be fearless and write without worry. Welp.....

In honor of this blogversiary I will be doing a handmade giveaway! I am offering one lucky Perfect Imperfections reader a crocheted baby blanket from my Etsy shop.....your choice! Open to everyone!!!
Click the picture below to get to my Etsy Shop and....

To enter simply leave a comment below with your choice of blanket and your email address.

Giveaway will end August 15th at Noon EST.....Good luck everyone!

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  1. Yeah! Happy blogversary!!! I love the "This and that" blanket!!!

    1. Thank you and thank you for entering the giveaway!

  2. Your blankets are gorgeous! I love This and That. Congrats on a year of blogging.
    My email is sandra.kohlmann@gmail.com.

  3. Congrats Dez!! Good for you for taking the blogging step out and living life!
    Love the blankees!!

    Awnee San

  4. hello, i like the sea and sand blanket, my email is ooberdeoift@aol.com

    1. Hello! Thanks for entering the giveaway!



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