
I Look Forward...

As Fall rolls in, we are trying to get use to the shorter days and colder nights. The dogs have it the worst. They have not been taken out for a walk for in three weeks human time, 6 months dog time. At the end of the summer, this family of mine was in a great groove. Everything seemed to flow smoothly and then I don't know what happened. School threw Damien's schedule right off, and getting him up in the morning is, well, difficult to say the least. I do have to say, as he gets older it gets easier, but it's still difficult. Getting up in the morning for myself lately is beyond difficult because sleeping is almost non-existent. When Amar'e isn't teething, she is a great sleeper, but when she is cutting teeth, it's horrible. She is up every two hours looking to nurse back to sleep. Yes, that's right, we are still nursing. At the rate she is going, there's no end in sight! For example, over the weekend I tried to hold her off from nursing for a bit and she lost it. When I say lost it, she was hysterically crying, beyond regular comforting of being held and soothed. I couldn't believe it. So needless to say, in the middle of the night, when sleep is the only thing I want to do, I don't argue with her when she needs to nurse back to sleep.  All of this interrupted sleep causes me to be exhausted the next day, and getting up to be at work for 7 a.m. is nearly impossible most days. I am at least 3-7 minutes late everyday. Luckily I have a great boss who understands how it is. As for Amar'e, she is exhausted too. She is now getting over the 24 hour flu, and is trying really hard to fight off a cold. I hate cold and flu season.

Anyways, with the lack of sleep and motivation, I am finding it hard to keep up with the regular duties of having a house, two kids, two dogs, two cats and blogging. I feel like I am running in circles with my head spinning and still nothing really gets done. Most of the time I have to let my living room be torn apart in return of having done the dishes. When I finally get the living back together, all my food in the cupboard is on the kitchen floor. When I am all done getting the food back to where it goes, the DVD's are thrown everywhere. At this time Damien is home from school and homework needs to be supervised. And this cycle keeps going on and on. Getting dinner on the table every night is far beyond challenging. I know that in time we will adjust and things will settle down. I look forward to having the comfort of a set routine again. I look forward to having a moment to steam clean the floors. I look forward...


  1. I feel like Im cleaning CONSTANTLY and I have NO pets and NO kids! you are super woman :) <3 ya



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