(Sorry, no fancy photo this week)
Total weight gain: 10lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes.Tops only. I am still wearing my regular pants.
Stretch marks? No new ones in the past week.
Sleep: Sleeping is so-so.
Best moment this week: Amar'e telling the baby its ok to come out. She turned on the light and brought over "Goodnight Moon" (as if it was a gift for the baby) and said "it's just me and daddy out here, don't be scared baby". I just about died!
Miss anything? Sleep.
Movement: Tons!
Food cravings (this will be an ongoing list I will add to) : Fruits and vegetables,lemons,tomatoes,nachos,chocolate chip cookies, salt, this chickpea concoction that Andrew whipped up one day for lunch, Brussels sprouts lot and lot of brussels sprouts, caramelized onions, Mangos,Watermelon, cucumber and avocado rolls, water with lemon. Salad and corn on the cob, pasta, salsa, beans and yellow rice, Kale, green juice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not queasy anymore...lets keep it that way.
Gender: We will not be finding out the gender until the day the baby arrives. I say boy.
Symptoms: I am 1.5 cm dilated and about 30% effaced. I thought for sure after Wednesday/Thursday's false labor scare that I would of progressed a bit more...but I guess that can change within hours. Also, the baby has dropped deep down into my pelvis which means the vicious rib kicks have stopped and I am no longer out of breath.
Belly button in or out? From the front it looks like it is poking out a bit.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm ready to have this baby any day now! I've been happy lately due to not having to wake up at the crack ass of dawn to be at work. I am able to go with my bodies natural rhythm, which means I go to bed when I'm tired and rise when I'm rested. This is wonderful.